Tuesday, March 3, 2009


this is a message FROM FAIDRA MATZIARAKI, i myself hate the environment... ecoweek.gr
TITLE: Empowering Youth: Ecology + Leadership + Architecture

WHEN: March 31 - April, 6, 2009, Athens, GREECE

WHERE: Athinais Hall ART A, at 34-36 Kastorias street, Votaniko

SITE : http://www.ecoweek.gr/

My dear architectural friends !

This year apart from being an architect (or a builder) I have the honor to organize the 5th ECOWEEK International Conference 'Architecture + Ecology'.

The 'ECOWEEK 2009 Empowering Youth: Ecology + Leadership + Architecture' conference and interdisciplinary workshops in Athens, Greece, gives the opportunity to young professionals and graduate students to work side by side with known architects, designers, and engineers from Greece and abroad, and to learn from them the principles and implementation of ecological building and sustainable design.

The conference is open to young architects, designers and landscape architects and professionals of other disciplines, and graduate students from Greece and abroad. The conference will include public lectures and screening of documentaries open and free to the general public. The language of the conference: English. Some lectures will have simultaneous translation.

This year I got the chance to invite people who I trully admire and I think you might like too, some of them are :

Shigeru Ban
Shigeru Ban Architects, Japan -
and his innovative paper tube buildings for refugees and not only
Ivan Harbour Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, UK (former Richard Rogers Partnership)- my former boss, on world class architecture
Nataly Gattegno + Jason Kelly Johnson from Future Cities Lab, USA who will teach you how to be a sensible designer
Olympia Kazi Institute for Urban Design, NY .She worked with NY mayor on how to make NYC sustainable.
Benjamin Gill BioRegional Consulting Ltd who worked on BEDZED project and now on the biggest sustainable city in the world, MAZDAR
and many many many more names!

we will show you films such as:

- in avant premiere, Sambo Mockbee might be dead but Rural Studio still doing it: (be bold and proceed)!
An Inconvenient Truth - that you need to watch one way or another
Last Call for Planet Earth -Greek subtitles
The 11th Hour - Leo de Caprio is not just a pretty face !
Elements 3 & 4
The Power of Community

All these events are for free!

But we give you the chance to participate to the day workshops which cost 110 euros for the whole week and you will have the chance to work with all these architects mentioned above and learn from them.
The groups will produce three proposals (with possible variations):
(a) A Metropolitan park of zero waste and zero debris leaving the site of the park
(b) A residential neighborhood of zero-emissions and zero-waste, and
(c) A combination of the two.
The proposals will be presented at a press conference and public discussion at ECOTEC 09, on Monday April 6, at Expo Athens, Anthousa (please see detailed program).

As well you could participate to the site visits which cost 110 Euros, too. Some of them are :

Vestas Hellas SA- renewable energy production.(wind farm)
Envitec SA - a recycling factory
Passive Solar Office Building Open House Speaker: Alexandros Tombazis

Note: This year my personal target was to include low cost community architecture in parallel with the mega-projects. Next year my target it to include architectural/ humanetarian organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Architects for Aid and UNhabitat plus more solutions/ ideas projects on how to make Athens a livable city! So please if you have any ideas, contact me !

And before I forget : go to

thank you ,

Faidra Matziaraki

Faidra Matziaraki
ECOWEEK Associate

ECOWEEK ... habits change ... climate change
International website
www.ecoweek.org ecoweek@ecoweek.org

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