Friday, June 24, 2011

Hegelian Dialectic

Hegelian Dialectic | Don't Tread On Me


Hegelian Dialectic

“When you are aware,you can prepare.”Sons of Liberty Academy

One of the most important weapons the Elite use to enslave humanity is the Hegelian Dialectic. The Hegelian Dialectic is a framework to guide our thoughts and actions to a predetermined solution. Understanding how the Elite manipulate us into their clutches is vital if we are going to be free. When you are aware of how the Elite use this Dialectic to steer societies,you have a pretty powerful tool in staying ahead of not only them but the crowd also.

The Hegelian Dialectic is designed to get us into a frenzied defense or offense of a particular idea or thesis. The natural outgrowth of the original idea is the opposite idea or anti-thesis,which will breed it’s own defense and offense. The predetermined answer of the Elite will be the synthesis of both sides of the conflict.

In America,the most familiar Hegelian Dialectic is the Republican and Democratic parties. On the right we have the Corporatist,Fascist,Republicans that are pro debt,pro war and pro corporation. On the left,we have the Socialist,Communist,Democrats that are pro tax,pro social issues and pro labor. Both of these two fight back and forth every year in a contrived scripted drama known as Washington politics. The synthesis,of these two seemingly opposite ideas,is this middle of the road “lesser of two evils”mess we have now.

When you see that the Elite are collectivists that seek to destroy individuality and freedom,the picture is easier to see. The proper scale is not this false left right paradigm,it is total government power or total freedom. If you are a freedom lover,it does not matter if your government is Fascist or Socialist,you lose. The synthesis of these two is that we get more power and money taken from us to fund every special interest in the world.

You want funding for a trillion dollar a year war?  Sure,  just support a trillion dollar prescription drug plan.

You want unemployment extended? Sure,just support a tax cut for the rich.

There are thousands of examples of these trade offs but they are not really trade offs at all. They are ALL against freedom. The use taxes,regulations,and force to take from one group to give it to another. This gets us all into our little camps to fight in their controlled paradigm. We fight for or against all sorts of ideas like mortgage deductions or minimum wage that just end up slitting all of our throats because we are stealing from each other. This only serves the Elite that derives power and profits off of this sick system.

When the Elite want to move something fast they create a Problem-Reaction-Solution scenario. The Elite over and over again create problems,they wait for it to create the inevitable mess,and then walk in with a predetermined answer. Almost anything that happens in a crisis,follows this same pattern.

Take for example the 2008 financial crisis. The Elite took away a lot of the regulations that were enacted during the Great Depression to regulate banks. They lowered the lending rates,sparking a boom. Created all of these exotic/fraudulent funding vehicles. Made billions on the way up,knowing all along that this was going to blow up. They waited for the music to stop and for America and Congress to panic. They then had the balls to walk into Congress with a $700 Billion dollar ransom note and said sign it or there was going to be martial law in America. This financial coup d’etat was a carefully planned and executed operation by the Elite. All of the right pieces were in place to pull off this heist in less than a week.

If you think this is amazing,wait until they finally knock the legs out of the dollar.

There is always a ‘freedom choice’in any of these Hegelian Dialectics that the Elite don’t even want us to consider. That is the kind of “out of the box thinking”that threatens their paradigm of power. Instead of the Fascist or Socialist false choice,you can choose the Constitutional choice that limits the power of the centralized Elite. The collectivists want to abolish property rights and the American Revolution and Constitution are about protecting property rights. The Elite will never give you that choice,because it does not serve their interests.

If you want your freedom you are going to have to fight for it. You need to start by freeing you mind in the Sons Of Liberty Academy. The best and easiest way to protect your property rights is to sell any asset that can be taxed,regulated,zoned,or inflated away and buy precious metals that have no counter party risk. Read the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield.

Wake Some People Up!


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